Thursday, August 20, 2009

Email Marketing And How To Create Killer Follow Up Messages That Make You Money on Autopilot(2)

Something else that works great is what I call a "sellathon in a box." Basically,you can have one of your emails say: "For the next 3 days only, you can buy this product at 40% off. Here's the special link". Then, two days later, say something like: "Today is the last day where you can get product so and so at 40% off. Here's the special link". This is sneaky of course since the "special link" will be there for ever. And every new subscriber will be seeing this "3-day special." If you think that this is "manipulative", change your mindset. Your subscribers just got a great deal. 40% off. Plus, if they didn't want the product,why would they buy it in the first place? Plus, you made some extra money. There are no downsides to this anyway you look at it.

If you KNOW that you will take good care of your customers, it's your damn DUTY to do whatever possible to get their money and sell them the product that will benefit them. That way, you also protect them from other businesses who may not be as ethical or have good enough products. If you know you can provide products (as a merchant or affiliate) that will help your customers, do it with all your might.

Try sending your subscribers a surprise now and then. A special report you just wrote for example. Even 5 pages will do. Just make the content unique. Or, you can just purchase resale rights to products that your customers would enjoy and give them for free.

Here are some specific tips on what you can include in your messages (no need to use all of them in each message - just copy these ideas and use them whenever you like):

At the end of the message, you can add a PS and say: "In a couple of days I'll let you know about whatever." Many of your subscribers will be anticipating your next message. keep your people glued to your messages.

Another thing you can do is tell people what YESTERDAY'S email was about: "Yesterday I shared with you two simple things you can do during your workout to double the amount of fat you burn." If they didn't read yesterday's email, many people will say: "Damn, this is valuable info. I need to check it out."

Have "today's date" in the message. Every decent autoresponder can insert "today's date" in an email. This will make your message look more up-to-date and "current".

At the end of the message, say something like: "Please forward this message to your friends because thy will appreciate it :-). They can subscribe by visiting this URL."

Engage your reader. Tell them to email you and ask questions. Or tell them that you are available. For example, you can say something like:

"If you have any questions about this, feel free to rely to this email. I will reply personally in less than 24 hours."

Start your email with an interesting paragraph and tell them that you will show them how to do this and that. Mention the benefit early.
For example, instead of saying "Hi John", you can say something like: "How To Lose 23 Pounds of Fat in 4 Weeks With Only 5 Minutes Of Exercise a Day.

Hi John,"

Try having more than one link in the email (for the same offer). Ask people to click several times. Your email's purpose is to get people to check out the salesletter or offer you have on your website.

Something that builds a sense of loyalty and "community" is to say : "I received this question from Mike from California." Then, you answer the question in your email

Regarding pushing affiliate programs in your follow up, tell your prospects about a good idea that they can benefit from. But they will need the product you promote to bring the idea to fruition. For example, if you promote a heart rate monitor, tell people that they can lose twice more fat if they are exercising at a specific heart rate - and that they will need a heart rate monitor for that.

When you start your email, you can say something like: "Hi Mike,

I have been busy as a bee. My wife jut gave birth to twins!

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you about..."

There are many different autoresponder and list management solutions out there. Here’s the one I use:

I hope you find these email marketing tips useful. One thing I need to stress is that the most important thing you do is START. Don’t think that you need to have 100 messages set up before you start your campaign. Just having a couple initially and adding more as you go can work great…

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