Thursday, August 20, 2009

How To Improve Your Adsense Quality Score

Most people have no idea that this even exists. Yes, there is a quality score for Adsense as well – not just for Adwords. If your site has a low AQS (Adsense Quality Score), then it will be “smartpriced” and you will get paid less for the clicks your site generates. Since we are in the business of making more money, let’s see some of the things you can do to prevent this from happening.

It has been documented recently that Google gives importance to incoming links to your site when deciding the Adsense quality of your site. This is not necessary but, if you can get a few good links to your page (from CLEAN sites),do so.

Don't build link farms or spam networks. You may get away with it for a while but sooner or later Google's discounting mechanism will kick in and you'll start getting paid less per click.

By the way, if you have tons of spammy sites with your Adsense code on them, there's a good chance that Google has caught up on it and has discounted the money they pay you. And they can even discount the price you are paid per click even if you use a new white hat site.

You may want to get a second Adsense account and start with a clean "police record". This, by the way, is against Google's policies. But this is something you may want to take a look at. You would have to use a different company name, different credit cards and different address to receive the checks.

If possible, add some "related keywords" on your page. LSI or Latent Semantic Indexing has been all the rage lately.

Don't be confused by it. Just go to, type your main keyword and do a lateral search. Note down some of the added keywords that appear. For example, for the term "seduce women" you can add on your page some keywords like "pick up artist", "dating" etc.

Google basically wants to see pages where the content looks natural and is "how you talk". Yes, you will be paying for the traffic instead of driving it organically. But Google would rather see you use their general quality guidelines anyway.

Use Terms of service and privacy policy links on your page. Yes, this can result in a higher Adsense quality score. Do it.

Try to keep your visitor on your page longer. Why do you think Google created the Google toolbar? So they can spy on you - read their terms of service. It’s not just about "page rank". It's also about "people rank" - which means what do real people think about your site. So how does Google determine that? One of the main ways is by seeing how long people stay on your site. If they are staying there longer, then they are more interested in your content.

How can you do that? You can have something that engages people: A video for example. Even just from If it's interesting, many people will stick around and, while the video plays, they can check out your Adsense ads, your affiliate recommendations and your optin form (yes, people like multitasking and they can do other things at the same time they watch the video).

The video's dimensions will be 425 width and 350 height. These are the default youtube video dimensions.

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